Some of you, like us, may disillusioned by the leniency on soil testing and soil health that big ag has pushed on the organic farming world. We are fighting back to re-establish the integrity of organic farming with Real Organic Program, a grassroots, farmer-led movement. We chose to be certified by a stringent organic inspection with One Cert because this qualifies us to be part of the Real Organic Program which distinguishes soil-grown and pasture-raised products under USDA organic. Check out Real Organic Program here.
We believe it’s important for us to have the organic certification label on all our products. So, in the height of the production season, we are up to our eyeballs in paperwork preparing for our annual organic certification audit. The auditor can point to any product on the shelf and ask for documentation of the organic certification of the seed, each and every tool that touched the plant, dates of planting and harvest, and all sales – down to the ounce!
The documentation takes a lot of extra time, careful recording of minute details, and is quite expensive. We go through this tedious process to establish trust with our customers. We want folks who cannot visit our farm to know that we are dedicated to using only the most thoughtful organic practices.