Welcome plant lovers to a year-long journey of planting, nurturing, weeding, harvesting and enjoying the gifts of tending the earth. Discover the origin of your herbs grown on Oshala Farm in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. Follow us through the seasons of the year for an intimate tale of a farmer’s life – our life.
Fresh Pick of the Season: Pedicularis densiflora
We are currently harvesting certified organic Pedicularis densiflora from the woodlands of the farm. Email us for availability and pricing. We are currently infusing oils with this wonderful plant and drying some for tea. We know it will come in handy for our tired achy bodies after those the long harvesting days coming up on the farm.
The greenhouse is getting full of trays that have been seeded. There is a buzz of anticipation as the first seeds begin to pop. The crops plans are almost set, all the crew is coming back to work. The quiet time of the winter months of the farm is over. This time of year we are full of hope and excitement looking at what potential the new season will bring.
By the end of the month we will have planted more than a quarter million plants in the greenhouse. These will be transplanted into the fields beginning in May. We have 77 crops planned for the season! In the meantime, we are keeping busy caring for the young seedlings and keeping up with the spring flush of weeds in the fields. The fruit trees are in bloom, the ducks have returned to the pond and the warmer nights are full of the frogs’ songs. Spring is the air at Oshala Farm.
The nettles (Urtica dioica) are back and it’s time for the farm to start up our batches of Nettle Pesto. Our Oshala Farm Nettle Pesto and fresh nettles will be available at Ashland Food Co-op and Whistling Duck Farm Store in Provolt this coming week.
Or, get inspired to make your own Nettle Pesto. If you don’t have fresh nettles available at your store or growing nearby, use any spring edible greens that are popping nearby you. We love using miner’s lettuce, dandelion greens and chickweed as well. Arm yourself for spring allergy season with some good doses of nettles with this delicious recipe.
Oshala Farm Nettle Pesto
Fresh Nettle or other spring greens
Fresh Basil
Nuts (pinenuts, almonds, sunflower seeds)
Fresh lemon juice
Sea salt
Olive oil
We make batches of 100 containers at a time so I won’t give you that recipe but basically it’s equal parts of nettle/spring greens and basil. Blend nuts by pulsing in food processor and getting rice sized pieces. Set aside in bowl to add later. Blend basil and nettle/spring greens in the food processor. While food processor is running pour in olive oil to desired consistency. Add nuts, you might need to add more olive oil at this time. Add lemon juice and salt to taste. Let sit a few hours to let the flavors marry. Enjoy the taste of spring!
From the field to your farmacy
Do you care about where and how your herbs are grown? It’s time to place your pre-orders for the 2016 growing season. Show your support for sustainable herb farming and insure availability of the herbs you want for this coming season. Contact us now with the plant list you want us to grow for you and we’ll get your seeds in ground. Wholesale pricing is available.
Or you can choose organically grown herbs that are available now –
Email oshalafarm@gmail.com or call (541) 846-1120 with your order.
Big shout out and thanks to everyone who came to Terra Vita Herbal Symposium!!
Oshala Farm herbs and spices are crafted in harmony in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet. Thank you. Enjoy in Good Health, Elise and Jeff Higley
Oshala Farm herbs and spices are crafted in harmony in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet. Thank you.
Enjoy in Good Health,
Elise and Jeff Higley