Spring is drawing near and things are coming alive here on the farm. Now is a time for us to take stock of the supplies we have on hand and make lists of everything we need moving into the growing season. A big part of that is cleaning and inventorying our seeds.
Last summer and fall seeds were lovingly collected and now we have been busy winnowing out the chaff. We run the seeds through a variety of screens to get out as much plant material as possible. As a final cleaning step, we pour the seed in front of a fan to blow away the light plant material. As we clean our seeds we think about letting go of the extra things we have accumulated, mentally and physically, in our own lives over the winter months.
We proceed into the spring lighter and ready to dive our hands into the earth like roots and reach our arms to the sky in the
lengthening days.
lengthening days.
Elana Quinlan Scheidegger, Oshala Farm