Spring is the time of year when we seem to be the most full of hope, joy, and inspirations. Everyone and the insects are busily moving about the farm these days preparing for the growing season. Everyday we are seeding more and more trays of herbs that cannot be direct seeded, such as…

Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Valerian, Lobelia, and Lemon Balm


Today we planted…

Elecampane, Marshmallow and Mullein.


One 100×30 foot greenhouse is filled, and we’ve almost filled up the second!

Although we’ve had a few evenings in the last several weeks in the 30’s and woken up to frost, it seems that we may have had our last fire in the wood stove. The farm is now being graced by the flowering trees of plum, wild cherry, and witch hazel. The amazing colors make us regularly pause from the everyday farm hussle and enjoy the moment of spring becoming.

William Kai, our son, found inspiration from Calendula officinalis growing in the field. He hand carved a stamp of this healing, fragrant plant. You can purchase an original block print on the website for your favourite herbalist…maybe yourself!

Happy Spring!

Elise, Jeff, & the Oshala Farm Crew