Organic Italian Parsley .3 ounces in a french square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Oregano .5 ounces in a french square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Rosemary .6 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Sage .5 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestInula helenium, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Organic Coriander 1.1 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Italiano Spice Blend; .5 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. Also available in the Bulk Herbs section in 4oz., 8oz., and by the 1lb. quantities. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Herbs de Provence .5 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. Also available in the Bulk Herbs section in 4oz., 8oz., and by the 1lb. quantities. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestOrganic Summer Savory .75 ounces in a french square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestArctium lappa, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled (Cut/Sift) Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Organic Basil .75 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Fennel Seed 2 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Organic Thyme .75 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestArctium lappa, Regenerative Organic Certified® Powdered Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Organic Marjoram .5 ounces in a french square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestCrataegus monogyna, Regenerative Organic Certified® Whole Berries, leaf and stem Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestVerbascum thapsus, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestRosmarinus officinalis, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestMonarda fistulosa, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestHand-blended 100% organic herbal tea formulated with intention and care. 1.75 oz loose leaf tea, in compostable packaging
Organic Bay Leaves .25 ounces in a French Square glass bottle. All Oshala Farm Spices are crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and nourished with pristine, water, air and soil. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Waiting For Next HarvestTaraxacum officinale, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled (Cut/Sift) Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestVitex agnus-castus , Regenerative Organic Certified® Whole Berries Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestHyssopus officinalis, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestTaraxacum officinale, Regenerative Organic Certified® Powdered Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestMelissa officinalis, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestCichorium intybus, Regenerative Organic Certified®- Not roasted Cut/Sift Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestUrtica dioica, Regenerative Organic Certified® Destemmed Aerial Parts Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
When you don't have time to make your own we hope you'll consider trying a batch from our farm. As we harvest the various ingredients on the farm, we add them to the raw apple cider base, let macerate for a few months and then strain. Our Oshala Fire Cider recipe was developed from certified organic ingredients, crafted in harmony with nature in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. By choosing our products you are supporting an Earth-centric business that is striving to make a difference on our planet.
Aceta-Vinegar Extract. Use liberally in your cooking or take diluted with water. Vinegar extracts the medicinal constituents of the plant it is combined with along with its vitamins and minerals. Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica is used for medicine, food and fabric for centuries by many cultures around the world. Rich in chlorophyll and minerals, which comes through in its flavor. Traditionally nettle was a spring tonic, one of the earlier and abundant greens which is also very nutrient rich, and as a diuretic, it aids elimination. Another traditional use with lasting popularity is as an immune tonic to support those with seasonal respiratory allergies. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.
Waiting For Next HarvestWithania somnifera, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled (Cut/Sift) Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestUrtica dioica, Regenerative Organic Certified® Whole Sifted Seed Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestAngelica archangelica, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled (Cut/Sift) Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon
Waiting For Next HarvestA. Membranaceus, Regenerative Organic Certified® Milled (Cut/Sift) Root Grown on our farm in Southern Oregon